Soar with summer CTE/STEAM! Programs set for Umpqua Valley Expanding Horizons CTE Summer Camps Dates have been set for Umpqua Valley Expanding Horizons Summer Camps! Douglas County middle school and high school students who enroll will be immersed in activities that align with Career & Technical Education programs
READ MORE … →New STEAM hubs expand outreach Five more hubs added to statewide list; boosting opportunities At Douglas County Partners for Student Success, part of our mission is to help inform educators of various professional opportunities, not just in our county, but statewide. Many of those are connected to
READ MORE … →Honing a workforce Community, students benefit from school Career & Technical Education programs When computers or overhead projectors break down in schools, some teachers send for IT help. For a few years in Sutherlin High classes attended by Chris Tello, the catchprase was,
READ MORE … →Workshop sparks up September Start the school year with a cascade of sparks by enrolling in a free Sept. 18 session in Roseburg called “Building Developmental Relationships with Youth We Serve.” Adults taking part in a June 15 workshop were so enthusiastic about the topic, this second gathering