Harvesting precision workers Douglas County’s largest private employer seeks stable, homegrown workforce by reaching into area schools Roseburg Forest Products didn’t survive the Great Recession by ignoring the need to change with the times. As social, political and economic forces reshaped the timber industry in recent decades, company
READ MORE … →Filling the prescription for health care occupations Area Health Education Center of Southwest Oregon looks ahead to recruit young professionals now Shared goals are a great starting point for allies. Comparing the objectives of DCPSS with those of the Roseburg-based Area Health Education Center of Southwest Oregon demonstrates a
READ MORE … →Learn, earn and serve this summer Here’s a neat summer opportunity for older students, ages 17-24. It’s a chance to work in the woods, learn about our local natural wonders and resources and get paid. These jobs are offered through a collaboration between the Umpqua National Forest, Umpqua
READ MORE … →Photos courtesy of the City of Roseburg. Learn more about the City of Roseburg on its website HERE. We attempt to publish a feature story about our DCPSS partners every month. Keep checking back to learn more about our partners, their work in the community and with DCPSS.