Connecting the dots Educators, families and businesses familiar with our message know that Douglas County Partners for Student Success and the Umpqua Valley STEAM Hub have been spreading the word about the numerous paths that can lead youth to high-demand, high-wage jobs. As the 2017-18 academic year continues,
READ MORE … →Field research Sutherlin company hosts local students exploring job options Expanding Horizons camps organizers say they want to expose kids to potential career ideas – and, moreover, to jobs offered by local employers. It’s a “grow your own” workforce mentality that aims to boost the local economy. That
READ MORE … →Strong foundations North Douglas camp offers engineering challenges Seismic energy produced a variety of reactions on a summer Monday afternoon at North Douglas High School, ranging from groans and face-palms to whoops and high fives. Disappointment or joy hinged on one factor: How sturdy is your pasta/candy tower?