Empowering options Douglas County students find inspiration at Tradeswomen’s Career Fair Making students aware of the many possibilities that await them after high school graduation is a top goal of Douglas County Partners for Student Success as we strive to open doors for them to succeed. While the
READ MORE … →STEAM Extravaganza a hit STEAM Extravaganza 2018 draws hundreds hungry for STEAM learning They came. They saw. They learned. Hundreds of youngsters, teens and parents steadily flowed onto the Umpqua Community College campus for this year’s second annual STEAM Extravaganza. And with dozens of creative educational activities to
READ MORE … →Summertime is STEAM/CTE time Summer is the perfect time to learn and develop STEAM skills Summer is almost here, and that means long, warm days with the kids at home. Luckily, Douglas County’s education world offers dozens of ways to get youth out of the house and having
READ MORE … →STEAM Hub a natural fit for new director New STEAM Hub director ready to cultivate learning in Douglas County With more than 20 years of experience as a STEM teacher and scientist, our new Umpqua Valley STEAM Hub director is ready to launch local efforts to expand students’