Connections close to home

Connections close to home

Connections close to home Students explore career possibilities at Con-Vey Keystone Travis Pritchett remembers back to when he was a student sitting in an algebra class, convinced he would never need to use the math skills he was learning. Now, as plant manager at Con-Vey Keystone in Roseburg,


Creating transitions

Creating transitions

Creating transitions Program helps Camas Valley students prepare for life after graduation Note: Camas Valley is a partner school with Douglas County Partners for Student Success (DCPSS) working to expand Career Connected Learning (CCL) experiences for all students across Douglas County.  The goal is to establish a system


Healthy interest

Healthy interest

Healthy interest Students explore health care careers through Bright Works Oregon  The room went suddenly quiet during a February afternoon interview practice at Phoenix Charter School. Health technology teacher Gabrielle Webster had just said a potential employer might ask, “What are some skills you can say you want


A stream of fields

A stream of fields

A stream of fields UCC hosts evening for career-minded students If career ideas are like seedlings, then Umpqua Community College became a giant nursery on Feb. 7 for the 11th annual Explore Event. Students of all ages, along with their teachers and family members, took their time rotating