DCPSS Primer: An explanation of our mission, our mantra, our invitation to you

DCPSS Primer: An explanation of our mission, our mantra, our invitation to you

DCPSS Primer: An explanation of our mission, our mantra, our invitation to you It’s an ambitious goal, but we believe it’s doable. Douglas County Partners for Student Success is made up of community members who believe second-best isn’t good enough for our children, teens and young adults. Our partners


Support students write now

DCPSS is seeking contributing writers for this site! We’re looking for partners, educators, community members, parents and students to share their thoughts on education in Douglas County. We want to hear your thoughts on what’s working, what’s not, what’s missing and which programs have a model we should


Workshop builds strong adult-youth links

Workshop focuses on how to build strong adult-youth links We asked; they answered! Attendees at a June 15 workshop, “Building Developmental Relationships With Youth We Serve,” used index cards to tell us what they learned that day at the Ford Family Foundation. “If everyone realized the small differences


Help us evaluate STEAM needs

Help us evaluate STEAM needs

Help us evaluate STEAM needs The Umpqua Valley STEAM Hub would like to ask for your input. As the first year of the Umpqua Valley STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Hub is wrapping up our fiscal year, we are reaching out for support and feedback. Please fill